Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 3rd 2008, Day 2.

Celebrity Coach
Onion Columnist: Jim Anchower
"Remember the Malkmus show at Urban Lounge? I think I left my ninja slippers under your sink."

Today's schedule:
A.M. sw:1800m
P.M. Strength Training:
30 reps 3 sets
1. Squat
2. Lat pull
3. Leg press
4. Push-ups
5. Seated Row
6. Hamstring curls
2 GU gels after swim
Tofu scramble (tofu, egg whites, garlic, onion, spinach, mushrooms, pesto)
2 EMS protein shakes
Brown rice and the last of the Thanksgiving green beans
Dunski Taco Bonanza
(Smart Ground, garlic, onion, red bell pepper, corn, black beans, diced tomatoes w/habaneros)
2 Gallons of water
Well, I was nervous about the swim. Just did not have a clue about my endurance or my stroke. The first 300m were hilarious. I swam in a lane next to the East High swim team, and I must have looked like fly in a brandy snifter during the warm up: goggles fogging up and panting down to the opposite wall with chlorinated pool water getting swallowed ounce by ounce every time my blowhole would open. I was loitering on the wall for about 20 seconds every 50 yards just to get my heart rate down. Then something happened. My body, lungs, and stroke, tuned and calibrated themselves into agreement and I was able to have a continuous swim for the next 1500m. I didn't hydrate enough this morning so I had occasional foot and calf cramps, lasting only an instant, toward the end of the swim. I imagine the stroke curve will continue to be steep for the next few weeks.
The strength training was strenuous, even with light weight after a long day at work and this morning's swim. 90 seconds between each activity. Tomorrow, I'm sleeping in till 7. Bike/run in the evening.


Greer said...

Good work my friend. The strength stuff will get easier. I know someone who could give you a swim lesson :).

Jeff Nielsen said...

my comment is as follows: more to comment on, please. preferably a story about you vomiting in front of attractive girls in the gym.